Back to School

Back to School was originally published on College Recruiter.

For many students of all ages, today marks the start of a new school year. Back to the classroom. Back to the books. I vividly recall my return to graduate school as an adult-learner. Excited. Scared. Anxious. Eager. Energized. Freaked out!
Could I do it? Would I make it? Could I write well enough? Could I keep up? What about testing? Maybe essays? I love essays! Did I have enough smarts? After all, the consulting psychologist advised me that I wasn’t graduate school material. Doubts. More questions. What about running my fledgling business? And when would I ever get to see my husband and little girl? Sleep? Did I need any? Plus, was it really worth the $25,000 to get that Master’s?

Walking into the classroom for the first time — front row, middle section, or back of the room — is a big deal whether you’re 5, 35, or 55. Choices. Consequences. Maybe today is your first day back at school? Maybe you’re starting a degree or finishing one? Or pursuing that MBA? Or maybe you’re a job seeker retraining for a new line of work?
Here I am, some 20 years later writing this blog post, thinking about my son, in particular, this day; today is his first day of school as a OneL. Wonder how it will go for him? Learning. Such a powerful thing; such an amazing gift is this eight-letter word called…
Life-changing lessons
Enriching experiences
Acquisition of education
Root of
Never-ending knowledge
Immeasurable investment
Now and for a lifetime of
Gaining, giving, growing.
Here’s to a great school year and to a passion for lifelong learning!
By Billie Sucher and courtesy of The Career Hub blog connects job seekers with experts in career counseling, resume writing, personal branding and recruiting.

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.