Vanguard’s 4 Hacks for your Best Social Brand Ever
As more and more employers search for candidates online, it’s more essential than ever to have a strong brand on social media. In this step by step series on creating your brand, you’ll learn how to get started, glean tips from branding experts, and discover what really hooks an audience.
Kick start your social brand by…
Personal versus professional branding – it’s a blurred line. Information that can be found in a Google search (try it!) or on social media is part of your brand. Make sure what you send out into the social universe reflects the impression you want to make.
2. Growing Your Professional Network
Your profiles look great and you are ready to connect with others! But your current network only includes a smattering of co-workers, past and present. Let’s help you make some fresh and impactful connections.
You’ve updated your profile and you’ve made more connections to enhance your network. Now it’s time to tell your story and shape your brand. LinkedIn is your digital business card – so how can you communicate your value and make a memorable impression across social media channels?
Your profile looks good, your network is waiting, and you’ve got a good strategy in place – now it’s time to get more engaged! In this blog, we share tips on finding content, staying organized, how to avoid common disengagement traps, and more.