The finance concentration is designed to prepare students for the exciting and lucrative field of financial services. Many of our alumni go on to work in banks, private equity, hedge funds, corporate finance and wealth management. The concentration requires 15 hours of finance courses beyond the business and general education core requirements. Finance concentration students take Advanced Corporate Finance to learn more about finance in corporations, Management of Financial Institutions to learn more about banking, and Investments to learn more about the various securities markets.

Accounting is the language of business. A student choosing the accounting concentration is choosing to prepare himself for any field of business by having a deep and thorough understanding of the foundation of businesses. Many of our alumni from accounting go on to work in the top four public accounting firms but just as many or more move into other fields, like banking, consulting, or technology. Accounting concentration students learn not only how to maintain the financial records of an organization but also how leaders use accounting information to make decisions. Students are also expected to recognize the high ethical standards required of the accounting profession. A graduate of the accounting concentration at Morehouse has a solid foundation to pursue the CPA designation and is encouraged to do so. Many of our alumni earned the CPA title.

Explore career opportunities in the Finance industry!

New tools for building a diverse workforce: An executive discussion

As workforce demographics shift and global markets emerge, workplace diversity has become a business necessity. In the past several months, it has become more important than ever.

“When you reflect on all that’s going on in our current environment and …

By Mecca Holts-Caldera
Mecca Holts-Caldera Recruiting Coordinator
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What Is an Investment Banker?

An investment banker works for a banking institution to raise capital and guide economic decisions. While that may sound confusing, an investment banker’s job is relatively straightforward. 

According to Robert R. Johnson, professor of finance at Heider College of Business, …

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20 Popular Careers in Finance

Choosing a career in finance can feel daunting – there are nearly endless areas of the finance industry, and it is an ever-growing field. For example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the financial and business operations field will …

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Career Resources

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  1. By Keyword: Search for the name of the occupation you’re interested in.
  2. By Industry: Not sure what job you’d like? Search by desired industry and see available occupations.

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View all Labor Market Insights here.

Industry & Career Guides

Student & Alumni Success Stories

Evan Spann ’26

Student Spotlights
  • Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Healthy Cities Lab
Meet Evan
Meet Kabien

Mahdi Baraki ’25

Student Spotlights
  • Corporate Accounting Intern Park Hotels & Resorts, Fixed Assets Department
Meet Mahdi

Evan Wasson ’25

Student Spotlights
  • Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) Michigan State University
Meet Evan
Meet Isreal

Kenneth Ugo ’26

Student Spotlights
  • Intern Deloitte, Discovery Internship Program
Meet Kenneth
Meet Jaden
Meet Quentin
Meet Ronald
Meet Yasir

David Pilson ’25

Student Spotlights
  • Neuroscience Lab Intern Tor Vergata University of Rome
Meet David
Meet Joseph

Contact & Location


Sadie Mays Lounge
Mays Hall
830 Westview Drive SW
Atlanta, GA 30314

Career Service Hours

Monday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm